Unwanted pests greet UI students in residence hall


University of Iowa students living at Slater Residence Hall report having some unwelcome company upon their arrival on campus…cockroaches and mice.

The Daily Iowan reports UI Housing and Dining sent out an email Aug. 25 informing students of the increase in pests and providing various preventative measures.

Von Stange is the senior director of University Housing and Dining and assistant vice president for student life. He blames the influx of pests on neighboring construction and demolition of buildings. Maintenance workers placed traps in rooms of those that have reported seeing mice.

Slater Hall was vacant over the summer, and the building was sprayed for pests on August 8th.

The most recent issue with pests before this semester happened when Quadrangle Hall was being demolished in the 2015-16 school year. The UI reported an increase in pests in the surrounding buildings.

The DI also reports although mice have only been found in Slater Hall, there have been cockroach sightings in Rienow, Catlett, and Mayflower Residence Halls.