Nearly half of Iowa Republicans identify as MAGA


Former President Donald Trump’s influence in Iowa continues despite his legal woes, according to new information released about this month’s Des Moines Register/NBC News/Mediacom Iowa Poll.

The Register reports 46% of Iowans who plan to caucus for Republicans Jan. 15 say they consider themselves “MAGA Republicans” — a reference to Trump’s “Make America Great Again” campaign slogan, which has become ubiquitous across Republican politics.

On the flip side, nearly a quarter of the respondents have ruled out supporting the former president. The poll shows 23 percent describe themselves as anti-Trump.

42 percent name Trump as their first choice for president, followed by Florida governor Ron DeSantis at 19 percent, and Senator Tim Scott at 9 percent.

Other poll findings show 80 percent of the state’s likely Republican caucus-goers identify as “pro-life.” Nearly 60 percent support the six-week “fetal heartbeat” abortion ban.