Coralville to lower speed limits on First Avenue and Dubuque Street


The Coralville City Council has responded to resident concerns about safety in their neighborhood and will be reducing speed limits on portions of First Avenue and Dubuque Street.

The Press-Citizen reports later this month, maximum speeds on those two main thoroughfares will be lowered as much as 20 miles per hour in an effort to keep subdivisions on the city’s north side safe.

Current speed limits are 55 miles per hour along First Avenue and Dubuque Street near the North Liberty roundabout. Once the change goes into effect, the limits will drop to 45 miles per hour, with a large stretch of First Avenue from Oakdale Boulevard to north of Mead Drive to drop to 35 miles per hour.  Dubuque Street’s 35 mile per hour limit will extend north to County Down Lane.

The changes are in response to a petition that residents used to express frustrations with what they felt were excessive speed limits around blind corners and a narrow roadway. The changes are expected to go into effect August 23rd, the first day of school.