Court appearance set for Monday for accused Iowa City Public Library masturbator


A West Branch man accused of publicly masturbating at the Iowa City Public Library has a court appearance set for Monday.

54-year-old Michael Beaver of North 4th Street entered a not guilty plea last month to an Indecent Exposure charge.

Iowa City Police say Beaver entered the library around 12:15 pm on April 3rd and proceeded to the computers on the second floor. He reportedly took off his sweatshirt, and eventually, his pants.
Beaver allegedly placed a jacket over his genitals and viewed pornographic videos for approximately four hours. The entire time he was sitting in the library, Beaver was reportedly observed reaching under his jacket, or holding his jacket up with one hand while he masturbated.

If convicted, Beaver faces a maximum of one year in jail.

Monday’s case management conference is set for 9am at the Johnson County Courthouse.