Iowa City Animal Services investigates dog bite


Iowa City Animal Services is investigating a reported dog bite.

According to a City of Iowa City news release, on Tuesday Animal Services received notification that a child had been bitten by a dog. The dog is described as having a small frame and black and brown fur. The bite occurred around 8:40 Monday night when a man was walking the dog on Davis Street.

Iowa City Animal Services is seeking information on the rabies vaccination status of the dog. If anyone has any information, they are encouraged to contact Iowa City Animal Services directly at 319-356-5295 or the Iowa City Police Department at 319-356-6800.

If you’ve been bitten, ask the owner of the animal for their contact information and if the animal is current on its rabies vaccination. Clean the bite with soap and water as soon as you’re able. Iowa City Animal Services recommends seeking medical attention to ensure there is no infection and filing a bite report to Animal Services or the Iowa City Police Department.

If your animal bites someone, inform both the victim and Animal Services of your pet’s rabies vaccination status. Bites must be reported for the health and safety of others. Failure to report a bite could result in a fine.