OWI Suspect reportedly had firearm in vehicle


An East Moline Illinois man pulled over for an equipment violation was charged with OWI and having a firearm in his possession.

Just after 3 am Sunday, officers pulled over 20-year-old Cayne Smith on the Coralville Strip at 10th Avenue for having only one working headlight.  Upon contact, he allegedly had bloodshot watery eyes and was wearing numerous bar wristbands. Smith reportedly admitted to drinking, and provided a PBT showing his blood-alcohol level over the legal limit.  A Datamaster test showed his level at .117 percent.

Smith told officers he only had an Illinois driver’s license, but a search of his person post-arrest allegedly turned up a fictitious Iowa license showing him to be of legal drinking age. Officers also reported an open bottle of liquor in the vehicle, and a firearm in the center console.

Smith faces charges of first offense OWI, Possession of Fictitious ID, and Person Ineligible to Carry Dangerous Weapons. If convicted on all counts, he could be sentenced to up to three years in jail.