NJ Hanson announces candidacy for Iowa City Council District A

Edited release

Community organizer NJ Hanson has announced that he will seek election to Iowa City Council District A, currently held by 8-year incumbent Pauline Taylor.

During this year’s legislative session, NJ Hanson worked in the Iowa Senate as the legislative aide for State Senator Janice G. Weiner.

In a release announcing his candidacy, Hanson said the bills passed by the state legislature this year have been appalling, adding, “I fear for my trans friends and my future rights as a bisexual. I will not be idle while the rights and livelihoods of my neighbors and friends are under attack at home.”

Hanson created the student and worker rights advocacy organization Hawks’ Union at the University of Iowa in 2021, serving as a worker rights educator and co-chair. He has since coordinated labor organizing campaigns with local labor unions and activist groups.

Hanson says his experience at the Capitol, combined with his years as a political and labor organizer in Iowa City, motivated him to run for city council.

For further information about NJ Hanson and the campaign, visit www.njhansonforiowa.com.