Iowa City woman charged after altercation with domestic partner


An Iowa City woman was taken into custody early Monday after a verbal altercation with her domestic partner turned physical.

The incident reportedly took place during the Midnight hour at the couple’s Finkbine Lane apartment. 21-year-old Arionne Collins and her live-in partner got into an argument that escalated when Collins reportedly used the victim’s sweatshirt to choke her by twisting the hood. She then allegedly pushed the woman onto the couch and attempted to suffocate her face into the cushion while putting pressure on her chest.

Collins also reportedly had a knife that she used during the altercation to cut the victim’s hand. The victim complained of chest pain after the incident.

Collins was arrested and charged with Domestic Abuse impeding Airflow, and Domestic Abuse with the use of a Weapon. If convicted on the charges, she could be sentenced to up to seven years in prison.

Collins reached a plea deal and was given a two year suspended sentence earlier this year after being charged last May with trying to run over another woman in the parking lot of the Comfort Inn, then coming at her with a knife and taser. She fled the scene but not before allegedly puncturing the rear tire of the woman’s vehicle. As part of the plea, she was ordered to not have further contact with the woman.