Underage University of Iowa student arrested after sneaking into downtown bar


A University of Iowa student faces charges after allegedly sneaking into a downtown bar after they removed her for being underage.

Just after midnight Wednesday, the student was observed by police sneaking past security at the Summit Bar on South Clinton Street. Staff informed the officer that they had just removed her, and once back inside, the woman refused to leave.

Police say the student had a fictitious ID in her purse and provided it to them as a real ID. She refused to give officers her actual date of birth, and was observed with bloodshot watery eyes, slurred speech and a strong odor of ingested alcohol. The student refused to provide a post arrest PBT.

The underage student was charged with being underage in a drinking establishment, public intoxication, interference with official acts, and possession of an illegal ID. If convicted on all counts, she could be sentenced to a maximum 14 months in jail.