Iowa City man facing terrorism charges after leaving explosive device on UI campus reaches plea deal


An Iowa City man facing terrorism charges after allegedly leaving an explosive device on the University of Iowa campus has reached a plea deal.

Terms of the deal have 24-year-old Nezzy Underscore Conway pleading guilty to charges of arson, possession of an incendiary device and burglary. Terrorism and other charges were dropped.

Conway was accused of being in possession of explosive devices at the Guidelink Center and at the UI College of Public Health last July.

Law enforcement learned during their investigation that Conway planned to take his own life if a romantic partner wasn’t found for him within 30 days, and that using explosive devices was part of his suicide plan. A search warrant on Conway’s Capitol House Apartments residence reportedly turned up other materials tying him to the incidents.

If convicted on the original charges, Conway would have faced a maximum of 56 years in prison. The charges to which he has agreed to plead guilty have a total maximum sentence of 25 years behind bars.

Conway still faces charges that he assaulted staff at the Johnson County Jail during his incarceration after he was found with contraband alcohol. He allegedly kicked one guard and spit vomit into another’s face.