Iowa City man faces drug charges after traffic violation


An Iowa City man faces drug charges after a traffic violation.

Police reportedly observed 58-year-old Randolph McClaine of South Dodge Street Tuesday afternoon operating a 2004 Buick, despite being revoked for OWI test refusal until February 2024, and suspended for non-payment of fines.

A K9 allegedly alerted on the vehicle, and officers located a blue glass pipe for smoking meth, with burnt meth residue and a crystal-like substance reportedly found in a one-dollar bill.

With two previous drug convictions, McClaine was charged with Possession of a Controlled Substance 3rd offense, Keeping vehicle for Controlled Substances, Driving while Revoked, and Possession of Drug Paraphernalia. If convicted on the charges, McClaine could be sentenced to up to over 8 years in prison.