More plaintiffs added to lawsuit stemming from UI FIJI sexual assault case


More plaintiffs have been added to a lawsuit against the University of Iowa’s Phi Gamma Delta, or FIJI, chapter after a reported sexual assault at the Ellis Avenue fraternity.

The alleged victim, who has identified herself publicly as Makena Solberg, claims two FIJI members sexually assaulted her while she was intoxicated in September of 2020. The original lawsuit named UI FIJI members Carson Steffen and Jacob Meloan as plaintiffs, as well as the fraternity itself. KWWL television reports lawyers for Solberg have now added Mu Duerton Chapter House Corporation and Mu Duerton Association of Phi Gamma Delta to the lawsuit. Solberg is seeking monetary and punitive damages.

Steffen has since filed a counter-suit demanding compensatory damages from Solberg.

Solberg’s lawsuit is set to go to trial on July 11.

Steffen also faces a criminal charge after Iowa City Police say he used Snapchat to record images of the incident and share them with other FIJI members without Solberg’s permission. A case management conference on a 1st Degree Harassment charge is set for August 10th.