North Liberty finalizing land acquisition for future fire station and park


North Liberty officials are getting ready to finalize a $2.5 million purchase of land on the north side of town for future development.

The Press-Citizen reports the city is planning to use the land for a new park. Also in the planning stages is the purchase of another parcel of land on the west side of town for a second fire station.

At a meeting this week, Mayor Chris Hoffman says an appraised price for the land hasn’t been established yet, but is pleased with the location for the new station, which is farther west from the Harvest Estates neighborhood than the original proposal in July.

Projections of population growth in the city more than justify the need for additional services. After a growth of over 50 percent between 2010 and 2020, the Metropolitan Planning Organization of Johnson County suggests North Liberty could pass Coralville as the second-largest in the Iowa City metro by 2050.