State representative Kaufmann claims teacher in Ames read vulgar passages to 3rd graders


State Representative Bobby Kaufmann allegedly made a claim at a town hall meeting in Tipton over the weekend, saying that a teacher in Ames read a vulgar passage and showed images depicting oral sex to 3rd graders.

The information comes from registered nurse and childcare advocate Deb VanderGaast, who attended the town hall. In an article posted on Linked In, she said Kaufmann, quote, “raised in his hand a stack of papers and declared that they contained evidence of heinous and unscrupulous acts presented to the tender eyes and ears of young children right here in our state.” He then went on to read a passage so vulgar that VanderGaast did not repeat it, followed by a display of pages from a book with drawings of the vulgarities he just described.

Doing some investigating, VanderGaast found that Kaufmann’s talk was in fact a carefully crafted script written by a national group known as Mothers for Liberty, the same group that sponsored an event in Des Moines recently featuring Governor Kim Reynolds. During that event, the governor claimed that a small minority of teachers believe pornographic library books are education, and patriotism is racist. Another panel member said teaching children about different sexual identities is akin to child abuse.

VanderGaast said in her piece that the group is not seeking to protect children; they’re using fear to advance their agenda.

The complete piece is available here: