IC man accused of burglarizing business next door to his employer


Iowa City Police say a burglary suspect broke into the business located next door to his employer and stole thousands of dollars in merchandise.

According to arrest records, 53-year-old Shane Hauser of East Burlington Street broke into Edwards Painting on Stevens Drive just after 4:45am on January 21st. Police say Hauser had just finished up a food service shift downtown when he returned to his employer’s office on Stevens Drive, which is next door to Edwards Painting.

Security video reportedly shows Hauser enter the business, remove about $2,900 worth of tools, then put them into his truck.

Police say search warrants were executed at multiple locations on Tuesday, and several of the stolen items were found inside an apartment which Hauser was renovating.

Hauser allegedly admitted to the burglary, told police where some of the stolen items could be located, and claimed he had given some of the tools away.

Hauser is charged with 2nd Degree Theft and 3rd Degree Burglary. If convicted on both charges, he faces a maximum of ten years in prison.