Washington Couple Arrested Following Investigation

Edited Release

A Washington couple has been charged with alcohol and sex related crimes as a result of an investigation by the Washington Police Department.

In a post on the department’s Facebook page, they were made aware on August 23rd of incidents that occurred at the Washington home of 44-year-old Devin Gregory and 46-year-old Karolla Gregory on August 9 and 10. The investigation has resulted in the following charges related to these incidents:

Devin Gregory is charged with Sexual Abuse-3rd Degree, Sexual Exploitation of a Minor, and two counts of Supplying Alcohol to Person Under Legal Age. If convicted on all counts, he faces a prison sentence of up to 22 years.

Karolla Gregory is charged with two counts of Supplying Alcohol to Person Under Legal Age. She could be sentenced to two years in jail if convicted on both charges.

The two were arrested by the Washington Police Department on Wednesday and transported to the Washington County Jail where they are being held on $25,000 cash only bond for Devin Gregory and $2,000 cash only bond for Karolla Gregory.

Anyone with additional information concerning these incidents is asked to contact the Washington Police Department at 319-653-2107.