Second village planning meeting for Windham will be held Monday night


The second meeting to help create a village plan and set a village boundary for Windham will be held from 6 to 8 p.m. Monday night at Renee’s Roadhouse, 1747 Black Diamond Road SW. Area residents, property owners and any interested persons are welcome to attend the meeting to share ideas and ask questions. Light refreshments will be provided, and the kitchen will be open for additional food purchases, although alcoholic beverages will not be available for sale during the meeting.

This second meeting will focus on reviewing the goals and vision statement that were drafted based on participants’ comments at the first meeting and any other input received. The meeting will also include a discussion on setting a village boundary.

Additional input opportunities will be available to the public before the draft plan is considered for adoption as the official Windham Village Plan.

The draft documents to be discussed, along with a summary of the first meeting, are available online at or in person at the Planning, Development and Sustainability (PDS) department in the County Administration Building, 913 S. Dubuque Street in Iowa City.