Regent warns Iowa State about “politically charged” climate science major


An Iowa State Regent is warning Iowa State University officials about what she says could be a “politically charged” major.

School officials were looking for permission to add a new bachelor of science degree in climate science this fall. But when seeking approval from the Board of Regents on Wednesday, Regent Nancy Boettger warned that the degree may fall under Iowa’s new law about teaching “controversial” subjects at the state’s Regent universities. She said climate change is a “very politically charged topic” which may run afoul of new “freedom of speech” rules on-campus that force school officials to respect the political views of students with differing opinions.

Boettger added there were some books on the topic she suggested ISU should use in teaching its course…books she described as having “non-PC opinions”, and which she admits she has not read.

ISU officials say they have kept the new rules in mind when designing the course.