Suspected IC arsonist faces new charges in unrelated vandalism case


A suspected arsonist with a lengthy criminal history now faces unrelated vandalism charges after an incident last week.

Iowa City Police say video footage shows 46-year-old Michael Dacunos pushing over a large flowerpot near the entrance to Hawkeye Brokerage on Keokuk Street just after 10:45pm on July 14th. About 20 seconds after the flowerpot hit the ground and shattered, Dacunos is seen using his butt to knock over and shatter another large flowerpot. The two pots are valued at $250 each, not including the cost of the potting soil and plants themselves.

Dacunos is charged with 4th Degree Criminal Mischief, a Serious Misdemeanor punishable by a maximum of one year in jail.

Dacunos is currently facing an arson charge for a separate incident last Sunday night. He was allegedly seen on-camera walking up to a pile of abandoned property sitting against Shelter House and then walking away. Shortly afterwards, smoke and flames began coming from the area where the property was left.

Shelter House suffered burn and smoke damage to the outside of the property, with the odor of smoke permeating the entire building.

Dacunos, who lists his address as the new apartment building Shelter House just opened next door at 501 Southgate Avenue, was arrested and charged with 1st degree Arson, a Class B Felony punishable by a prison term of up to 25 years, if convicted.

Earlier this month, Dacunos was given credit for time served after he assaulted a woman in Riverfront Crossings Park and kicked her dog. The original charges against him could have put him in prison for up to five years.

Dacunos has a history of following and attacking women in Iowa City. He also has numerous charges against him for other assaults and for damaging motor vehicles.