Iowa City man arrested after publicly urinating


An underage Iowa City man reportedly got caught urinating in public and got arrested for possessing a fake ID.

The incident occurred around 2 am Sunday in an alley right off Clinton Street. Officers observed 19-year-old Alejandro Sobrelvilla Bolomey urinating in public view. He allegedly had bloodshot watery eyes, slurred speech, poor balance, and the odor of ingested alcohol. When asked for identification, Sobrelvilla Bolomey reportedly gave the officer a fictitious Ohio driver’s license.

A PBT showed a blood-alcohol level of .147 percent, and a subsequent Datamaster showed it at .149 percent.

Sobrelvilla Bolomey was charged with Public Intoxication, Public Urination, and Possession of a Fictitious ID. If convicted on all counts, he could be sentenced to up to 14 months in jail.