An Iowa man was arrested for OWI when a Sheriff’s deputy reportedly saw him creeping along Interstate 380 at about 20 miles an hour.
The incident occurred around 2:15 am Tuesday when 29-year-old Genaro Hernandez of Conesville was heading southbound near the 3 mile marker going well below the speed limit. The deputy reportedly observed him drive all over the roadway and nearly leave the shoulder.
A stop was initiated, and Hernandez allegedly had about a dozen bottles of beer in the vehicle, with about half of them opened and seemingly drank by Hernandez due to their location in the center console and the driver’s side floorboard. He reportedly had bloodshot watery eyes, dilated pupils, slow and slurred speech, unsteady balance, and the heavy odor of ingested alcohol.
Hernandez performed poorly on field tests, and a PBT showed his blood-alcohol level at .188 percent. He faces his first OWI charge, a serious misdemeanor punishable by a jail sentence of up to one year.