City of West Liberty moving City Council meeting to High School auditorium ahead of Fire EMS vote

Anticipating a larger crowd of residents than normal, the West Liberty City Council is moving their regular meeting tonight to the high school auditorium.

The agenda, amended and published Monday morning, will address the city’s vote to be a part of the West Liberty Fire Department and EMS 28E Agency.
Earlier this month, the volunteer Fire Department sent a letter to the City stating that due escalating hostility over the last two plus years from the City through its City Manager, City Clerk, and three City Council members, they would no longer provide service to the city after May 1st unless a resolution to the conflict could be reached.

To that end, a Memorandum of Understanding has been drawn up for the 28E agency that would give rural communities and the firefighters a say in how the department is run.
According to the memorandum, the Agency would be governed by a 9-member board. Representing the City would be two elected City Council Members and one resident of the City of West Liberty. Representing the West Liberty Rural Fire District would be two elected officials representing the covered townships, and one appointed resident from that area. Representing the Volunteer Fire Department would be two appointed members to the board. The final and 9th member would be a retired member of the Volunteer firefighters with at least ten years of service. The attorney representing the firefighters has agreed to set up a nonprofit corporation for the retired volunteers at no cost.
The memorandum goes on to say that the volunteers would hold an annual election for a Fire Chief and two Assistant Fire Chiefs, which the board would approve and appoint. They would also be responsible for approving any new hires or dismissals from the department.

Other duties would include the appointing of a clerk who is not a board member or an elected official, holding an annual Directors meeting, approving the budget, and conduct other duties as deemed necessary.

The agenda states that the Council will go into closed session with their counsel ahead of the vote. Members of the public in attendance will have the chance to comment, but only after the vote has been taken.

The agenda is available on the city’s website,

Tonight’s City Council meeting will begin at 6pm.