Judge rules Finkenauer cannot appear on primary ballot


A Polk County judge ruled late Sunday that Abby Finkenauer cannot appear on the June 7th Democratic primary election ballot.

The Cedar Rapids Gazette says the ruling comes after the State Objection Panel voted to accept her nominating petitions after they were challenged by Republicans Kim Schmett and Leanne Pellett. They argued that Finkenauer did not submit the required number of valid signatures. The newspaper says the panel members disagreed about whether some signatures that contained incorrect or illegible dates should be allowed. State attorney general Tom Miller and state auditor Rob Sand argued the information on the forms was sufficient, while Secretary of State Paul Pate argued the signatures were not completed to the letter of the law and should have been disqualified.

District Court Scott Beattie ruled that the panel’s interpretation of the law was incorrect. In his ruling he wrote that the court “takes no joy in this conclusion…however, the Court’s job is to sit as a referee and apply the law without passion or prejudice.”

Ahead of the ruling, the Finkenauer campaign issued a statement suggesting the challenge was filed because Republicans fear she would defeat incumbent Chuck Grassley in the November election.

The decision is likely to be appealed.