Two Iowa City men arrested after alcohol and firearm found in vehicle


Two Iowa City men were arrested early Saturday after they were found in a vehicle with open alcohol and a firearm.

Just before 1:15 am, officers were dispatched to the 200 block of South Van Buren Street on reports of a suspicious vehicle sitting behind the H-Bar. They came upon 38-year-old Russell Taylor and 40-year-old Charles Jones, who live in separate residences on Sylvan Glen Court.

Taylor was the passenger, sitting in the front seat, and police allegedly discovered an open bottle of alcohol at his feet and two cups containing alcohol in the center console. He also reportedly had a loaded Luger sitting in between his legs.

Police say Taylor had bloodshot watery eyes and had the odor of ingested alcohol. He refused field testing or a PBT.

Jones was sitting in the driver’s seat, and allegedly had bloodshot watery eyes, impaired speech, unsteady balance, and had the odor of alcohol coming from his person. He reportedly admitted to drinking alcohol earlier in the evening. A PBT showed a blood-alcohol level of .096 percent, with a subsequent Datamaster showing it at .108 percent.

Taylor was charged with Possession of Weapons while Intoxicated, a serious misdemeanor, while Jones was charged with his first OWI, also a serious misdemeanor. If convicted on the charges, the two could each be sentenced to up to a year in jail.