Twins from rural Illinois town both arrested in downtown Iowa City last week


Twins from a rural Illinois town spent the night in jail and were fined after getting themselves arrested in the early morning hours last week in downtown Iowa City.

Arrest reports indicate that 23-year-old Brandon Newton of Sycamore Illinois was laying on the ground at the intersection of Burlington and Dubuque streets at around 2:45 am March 28th. When officers attempted to speak to the man, he allegedly ran from them. Newton continued to disregard orders to stop, and allegedly fought with officers as they attempted to take him into custody. He reportedly had bloodshot watery eyes, slurred speech, and the odor of ingested alcohol.

Newton’s twin Blake allegedly approached officers in a threatening manner after they arrested his brother. Officers told Blake to get back, but he reportedly continued to square up with officers in what was described as an assaultive manner. Blake Newton also reportedly had bloodshot watery eyes, impaired speech, unsteady balance and the odor of ingested alcohol. He also allegedly was wearing multiple bar wristbands. He refused a post-arrest PBT.

The two were taken into custody and charged with public intoxication and interference with official acts. Later that day, they appeared before Judge Mark Thompson, who accepted their guilty pleas to both counts and fined each a total of $355.