Hope House resident violates probation after being found with urine-filled glove


A Hope House resident faces probation revocation after he was allegedly found in possession of a urine-filled glove before drug testing.

Online records indicate 61-year-old Phillip Halliburton failed to provide a testable urine sample on Monday. A second attempt to procure a sample on Friday was interrupted when a pat down of Halliburton’s person turned up a rubber glove that looked and smelled as if it were filled with urine. He allegedly admitted the glove was full of urine.

Halliburton then allegedly purposefully dumped a sample of his own urine into a toilet. He was given time to produce a second sample, which eventually turned up positive for methamphetamine and an anti-anxiety drug.  Investigators say Halliburton also admitted to using marijuana.

A subsequent search of Halliburton’s room reportedly turned up two condoms filled with urine. A previous pat down search on Tuesday produced a bottle of vodka.

Halliburton was booked into the Johnson County Jail just before 11:30 Friday morning on a probation violation.

The Iowa Sex Offender Registry indicates Halliburton has out-of-state convictions for Rape, Indecent Liberties With a Child and Aggravated Kidnapping from 1981 and 1982. The victims were girls under the age of 14.