Iowa City man described as “grossly intoxicated” when arrested for 2nd OWI


An Iowa City man who allegedly was behaving belligerently at a 1st Avenue bar was arrested after reportedly driving away from the scene intoxicated.

Police say 64-year-old Agustin Rodriguez of Sandusky Drive was called in as being belligerent and problematic while at Shakespeare’s Pub and Grill just before 1am Friday. An officer responded and arrived in time to see Rodriguez reportedly pulling away in a blue Honda.

The man was allegedly driving without his lights activated and was slow to respond to emergency lights from the officer’s squad car directing him to stop.

Once the officer contacted Rodriguez, he could reportedly see two metal one-hitter marijuana pipes in plain view on the passenger seat; one allegedly was packed with unburnt marijuana.

The arrest report describes Rodriguez as “grossly intoxicated”, with bloodshot watery eyes, impaired speech, unsteady balance, and the odor of ingested alcohol. He allegedly admitted to drinking, and after performing poorly on field sobriety tests agreed to a Datamaster test. He reportedly had a blood-alcohol level of .167 percent.

Rodriguez was taken into custody and charged with his second OWI, marijuana possession, and possession of drug paraphernalia. If convicted, he faces a jail term of up to over three years.