State high school graduation rate dips slightly

Edited DOE release

Iowa’s high school graduation rate continues to show long-term progress, although the state experienced a decrease for the graduating class of 2021, according to figures released Monday by the Iowa Department of Education.

The state’s data show 90.2 percent of students in Iowa’s Class of 2021 graduated within four years, down from 91.8 percent for the previous year’s class. However, since 2011, Iowa’s four-year graduation rate climbed 1.9 percentage points, with large long-term gains in nearly every student demographic subgroup.

Data shows graduation rates for students from low-socioeconomic status households have increased by 4.2 percentage points between 2011 and 2021.

State Department of Education Director Ann Lebo attributes the dip last year to it being the first full school year disrupted by the pandemic. She said students faced a multitude of challenges while transitioning from full-time in class education to online or a hybrid model.

Iowa’s annual dropout rate was 2.85 percent for the 2020-21 school year. The state’s 2020-21 dropout rate represents 4,332 students in grades 9 through 12.

The Iowa City Community School District performed above average, showing a 91.6 percent graduation rate. The Cedar Rapids Community School district was well below average, managing a 79.3  percent graduation rate.

Detailed statistics on year-by-year comparison and by individual district can be found by clicking on the link below.