Iowa City man arrested for OWI had over three times the legal limit to drive


An Iowa City man arrested on OWI charges this weekend allegedly had over three times the legal limit to drive.

Police were called to the 200 block of Grantwood Drive just after 9:30 pm Saturday after it was reported that 26-year-old Uredi Petro of Aster Avenue was sitting in the driver’s seat of a running vehicle for approximately 45 minutes without moving. When an officer approached Petro, his vehicle began to creep away, as it was still in gear.

Petro allegedly had bloodshot watery eyes and had the odor of ingested alcohol. After showing measurable signs of intoxication, he was placed under arrest. A post-arrest PBT showed a blood-alcohol level of .230, but the Datamaster reading showed it at .278, over three times the legal limit.

It was Petro’s first arrest on OWI charges, and he faces up to a year in jail if convicted.