UI to offer accelerated nursing program next year

UI to offer accelerated nursing program next year

The University of Iowa is planning to offer a new accelerated nursing program starting in the spring semester 2023.

The Daily Iowan reports that they’re looking for students with different degrees to help relieve a nationwide shortage of nurses.

Julie Zerwic is the dean of the College of Nursing. She believes the program will be an excellent way for students that already have the skills they’re looking for to apply for this accelerated program. The College had already anticipated a nursing shortage even before the coronavirus pandemic.

The program can be completed in five semesters, and gives students who went into non-nursing career fields or have already graduated with different degrees a chance to change course and become a nurse.

The DI also says that although the actual program doesn’t begin until Spring of 2023, applications for the program are due March 15. Zerwic said the program will accept up to 48 students at its peak. The current UI nursing program has about 160 graduating nurses every year.

For more information on the Master of Science in Nursing: Entry into Practice program, go to nursing.uiowa.edu.