Clear Creek Amana passes $65 million bond referendum

(Clear Creek Amana school district news release)

(Oxford, IA) Clear Creek Amana Community School District is proud to announce that voters in the Clear Creek Amana community have approved the passage of the $65 million bond referendum, in support of Clear Creek Amana Schools.

The passed ballot language: Shall the Board of Directors of the Clear Creek Amana Community School District in the Counties of Iowa and Johnson, State of Iowa, be authorized to contract indebtedness and issue General Obligation bonds in an amount not to exceed $65,000,000 to be used to build, furnish, and equip a new elementary school, including related site improvements; to build, furnish, and equip new playground spaces and to remodel, repair, and improve existing playground spaces at the District’s elementary facilities; to build, furnish, and equip additions (improvements) to the District’s middle and high school facilities, including fine arts space at the Middle School and the High School; career and technical vocational space at the high school; replace and improve the middle school roof; and related site improvements at the middle school and the high school? 

District leaders, staff and the Board of Directors wish to thank every voter who participated in supporting the bond referendum.  Interim Superintendent Joseph Brown said, “The super majority YES vote for a new elementary school, vocational center, and expansions of the high school and middle school fine arts facilities is a solid indicator of the support our community has for the future educational facilities for our students. Thanks for your continued support for Clear Creek Amana schools”

As the District moves forward to develop the plans, timelines and expected completion of bond-related projects, that information will be shared regularly through the District’s website and other communication outlets.

There were a total of 949 out of 10,526 registered voters who participated in the successful election. A special bond election requires a 60% supermajority vote and the unofficial numbers indicate the March 1 election passed at 75.6%.  First canvass is March 8, second canvass is March 15. All results are unofficial until after the second canvass.