IC man accused of trying to break into granddaughter’s apartment to steal puppies


Coralville Police say an Iowa City man tried to break into his granddaughter’s apartment to steal puppies.

A warrant was issued last August for the arrest of 53-year-old Terry Griffin of Sandusky Drive. He was booked into the Johnson County Jail just after 4:45 Monday afternoon.

According to arrest records, the alleged victim exited her 9th Street apartment just before 11:45pm on August 16th to find her grandfather, Griffin, along with his girlfriend outside holding crowbars. The woman lives in a secure building, and police say there were fresh pry marks on the front door and door frame.

The woman allegedly walked up some stairs to confront Griffin when the girlfriend allegedly swung a crowbar at her leg, but failed to make contact.

Police say Griffin and his girlfriend then left the building. When the alleged victim followed, Griffin allegedly threatened to hit her.

The woman told police she believed the two were at her apartment to take back puppies that had been removed from Griffin’s custody by family members due to abandonment and neglect.

Griffin is charged with Possession of Burglar’s Tools. If convicted, he faces a maximum of two years in jail.

It is unknown if more charges are pending.