State Hygienic Lab unveils expansion


The University of Iowa unveiled plans to construct a new level 3 biosafety lab at the State Hygienic Lab in Coralville.

The Gazette reports that the $9.2 million expansion is fully funded by the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. The grant requires the project to be completed by June 30th 2023.

The Board of Regents plans to consider approving planning and construction methods next week.

The lab will reportedly be built on the east end of the existing lab. The newspaper reports that State Hygienic Lab Director Michael Pentella issued a statement saying that the new construction will help the lab be more efficient and ready for high-volume testing in the future. There will also be more office space, helping to reduce the risk of respiratory virus spread within the building.

The Board of Regents is also asking state lawmakers for a $1 million increase in the budget for the Hygienic Lab in order to retain and compensate their staff, recruit new staff, and improve lab equipment.