Oxford business president faces attempted sexual abuse, kidnapping charges after allegedly trying to sexually assault woman in his shop


The president of an Oxford business faces charges that he tried to sexually assault a woman in his shop.

The alleged victim reported to the Johnson County Sheriff’s Office that 47-year-old Shannon Siems of Ladora had made sexually harassing comments to a pair of co-workers at their business on Monday morning. That afternoon, Siems invited one of the women to his business to answer questions he had regarding his work with the city of Oxford.

The woman stopped by Siems’ shop on Augusta Avenue, and after an approximately 30 minute conversation attempted to leave. That’s when Siems allegedly flicked the woman’s breast. She told investigators she responded by yelling at Siems and again attempting to leave. Siems allegedly then bear hugged her from behind and tried spinning her onto a nearby dirty futon. She was able to break free, but Siems then allegedly put her into a full nelson. She was able to escape again and reach the front door, but police say Siems grabbed her by the ponytail and tried to drag her back into the business before she finally broke free and escaped. Siems reportedly yelled at the woman from the front door as she fled.

Siems was booked in to the Johnson County Jail just after 2:15 Friday afternoon and charged with Assault with Intent to Commit Sexual Abuse and 3rd Degree Kidnapping. If convicted on both charges, he faces a maximum of 15 years in prison.

Siems lists himself on Linkedin as the president of S. Siems Grading & Hauling L.L.C