Johnson County Supervisors voting on four pronged approach to ARP spending projects


Johnson County Supervisors have reduced over 60 initial proposals for plans to spend American Rescue Plan funds to under 40, and are voting today to put them into a finalized strategy.

The Daily Iowan reports that the Supervisors, working with department heads and staffs around the county, have 37 remaining American Rescue Plan projects. Supervisor Jon Green told the newspaper  that the end result won’t make anyone completely happy, but the county will “be able to do some good things with it.”

The funded projects are organized under four categories; projects that can be enacted within six months, long-term projects, those that can replace revenue loss that occurred because of the pandemic, and one that will provide translation services to county departments and offices to make sure materials are accessible in multiple languages.

The approved projects are the result of input from county residents and multiple lengthy meetings on how to spend the funds.