IC woman allegedly had two fictitious IDs on her when arrested for OWI

IC woman allegedly had two fictitious IDs on her when arrested for OWI

An underage Iowa City woman reportedly had not one but two fake IDs on her when she was arrested on OWI charges over the weekend.

Police say 20-year-old Marisol Pizano of East Bloomington Street was stopped for driving without her headlights activated and improper passing in the area of Dubuque Street and Iowa Avenue Sunday just before 1 am.

Upon contact, she allegedly had the odor of ingested alcohol but denied consuming any alcohol. However, police found an empty beer bottle in her vehicle. Pizano showed multiple signs of impairment on field testing, and registered a .111 percent blood-alcohol level on a preliminary breath test. A Datamaster test still showed her above the legal limit to drive, at .096 percent.

Police allegedly discovered that Pizano had two fictitious licenses in her purse showing her to be of legal drinking age.

She was arrested and charged with possession of fake ID and first offense OWI. She faces up to two years in jail if convicted. Judge Jason Burns released her on Monday and appointed a public defender to represent her in future court dates.