Iowa City outdoor resident facing drug charges


An Iowa City resident who police say lives under the Benton Street Bridge faces charges after an incident this summer.

40-year-old Dustin Kreimeyer had his backpack seized at a residence on the 2600 block of Westwinds Drive on July 29th in reference to an assault investigation.  The residence was the home of Kreimeyer’s girlfriend, and he had been there prior to officers being dispatched to the area.  A search warrant was requested and granted August 2nd.

The backpack was searched, and over 7 grams of meth were allegedly located inside. A witness identified property in Kreimeyer’s backpack as belonging to him. There was also reportedly an IPhone which clearly didn’t belong to him, and the owner was contacted. It was learned that the phone was either lost or stolen at the Kum & Go on South Riverside Drive, near the Benton Street Bridge where Kreimeyer allegedly lives under.

Kreimeyer is on probation and has a history of missing scheduled appointments and testing positive for marijuana use.

He was arrested and charged with a Class B Controlled Substance Violation and Failure to Affix a Drug Stamp. If convicted on both counts, Kreimeyer could be sentenced to up to 30 years in prison.