Iowa City man allegedly threatened police when questioned about his role in accident


An Iowa City man who was being questioned about his role in a hit-and-run accident was arrested for allegedly threatening the officer.

Police made contact with Nathaniel Williams of Muscatine Avenue in the back parking lot of a building on the 900 block of East College Street at approximately 4 am Thursday. He allegedly had bloodshot watery eyes, impaired speech, impaired balance, and had the odor of ingested alcohol.

Williams reportedly admitted to being intoxicated, and the officer reported that over the course of the interaction, Williams became more argumentative and belligerent.  He was arrested, and after being handcuffed asked to have his cuffs loosened.

As the officer loosened the restraints, Williams reportedly began screaming in his face. During his ride to the jail and during booking, Williams allegedly threatened to “beat” the officer.

He’s been charged with Public Intoxication, Interference with Official Acts, and 2nd degree Harassment. If convicted on all charges, Williams could be sentenced to up to 14 months in jail.