Iowa City women accused of assaulting police at Town and Campus Apartments


Two Iowa City women was taken into custody after allegedly assaulting police officers.

Officers responded to the Town and Campus Apartments on Arthur Street Monday at around 7 pm on reports of a suspicious man in the area. They located 20-year-old Marsha Draper of Chicago near one of the apartments in an extremely agitated state. She reportedly yelled at officers and others on the scene.

Police gave Draper several lawful orders to step back from the situation, but she allegedly refused and threatened to assault the officers if they touched her. She then reportedly began to charge at officers but was held back by another woman.

Draper was told that she was under arrest and ordered to put her hands behind her back. She then allegedly punched one of the officers in the face. She was taken to the ground, where she reportedly kicked and punched at police, and continued to make threats to punch, spit and head butt officers.

Draper refused to give officers her name, but admitted to assaulting them and also admitted that her daughter was nearby when the alleged assault began.

Draper was charged with Assault on persons in Certain Occupations with intent of Injury, Interference with Official Acts causing Bodily Injury, Harassment of a Public Official, and Child Endangerment. She could be sentenced to up to over 8 years in prison if convicted on all counts.

The other woman who tried to hold Draper back was also arrested.

24-year-old Dominique Blount of Shamrock Place reportedly tried to pull officers away from Draper when they tried to arrest her.

Blount then reportedly was told to stop by one of the officers, but she proceeded to walk into a residence. She’s then accused of slamming a sliding glass door on the arms of an officer, who suffered pain from the cuts and scratches they received.

Blount was charged with Assault on Persons in Certain Occupations, Assault on Persons in Certain Occupations Causing Bodily Injury, and Interference with Official Acts causing Bodily Injury. If convicted on all counts, Blount could be sentenced to up to four years in prison.