Iowa City man accused of switching price stickers on store items to steal


An Iowa City man was arrested after being accused of a months-long price switching procedure to steal hundreds of dollars from Walmart.

A criminal complaint from July 31st alleges that the incident involved 39-year-old Jason Albaugh of Scott Court. Between January 6th and June 19th of this year, he reportedly switched the price sticker on items with a lower priced item so that when he scanned them it would come up as a cheaper item. The store believes the total value Albaugh stole totaled nearly $990.

A warrant was issued for Albaugh’s arrest on Monday, and he was served Wednesday. He’s been charged with 3rd degree Theft, an aggravated misdemeanor. Judge Deborah Minot released him on his own recognizance after his initial appearance Thursday. Further proceedings have yet to be scheduled.