A Pasadena Texas man was taken into custody on OWI charges after a state trooper allegedly found him urinating on the side of Interstate 80.
According to the arrest report, the incident occurred late Friday night on the westbound portion of the interstate at about the 238 mile marker. A trooper on routine patrol saw a silver truck parked along the side of the road and stopped to see if the driver needed assistance. Instead, he reportedly came upon 47-year-old Benjamin Torres urinating next to the passenger side of the vehicle.
Torres reportedly had bloodshot watery eyes and stumbled a few times during initial contact. An odor of ingested alcohol was also allegedly observed. Torres told the trooper that he was having drinks with friends in Coralville and was heading to Iowa City but pulled over to urinate.
After refusing field and chemical testing, Torres reportedly admitted he was not OK to drive. A cup containing a dark liquid with a rum odor was found in the center console as well. Torres refused Datamaster testing at the Coralville Police Department.
He’s been charged with first offense OWI, a serious misdemeanor punishable by a jail sentence of up to one year if convicted.