Coralville man accused of violating no-contact order, throwing tire iron at victim, fleeing from police


A Coralville man faces charges that he broke a no-contact order on multiple occasions, threw a tire iron at one of the protected parties, then fled from police.

Arrest records indicate Jacob Gallman Ringing Shield of 18th Avenue, who turned 21 on Sunday, sent a protected party several messages using multiple apps between June 19th and Friday. Gallman Ringing Shield allegedly used different screen names, but each account either had his photo as the profile picture or he mentioned the woman’s daughter in the message. The alleged victim told police Gallman Ringing Shield keeps changing his screen name whenever she blocks one of his accounts.

Gallman Ringing Shield was also allegedly a passenger in a vehicle that drove by the protected party’s North Liberty residence twice Friday night. Just before 7:30pm he allegedly yelled from the passenger window to the protected party’s neighbors, telling them they were not safe as long as the protected party’s family lived there. Just before 11:30pm the car allegedly drove by the victim’s residence again, this time with its lights off. Gallman Ringing Shield allegedly yelled at a male victim and threw a crowbar-style tire iron at him.

North Liberty Police caught up with the car in which Gallman Ringing Shield was a passenger as it was speeding down Bernardy Drive. Officers say the vehicle refused to pull over after they activated their lights and sirens. The car continued on Sadler Lane until it reached a dead end. Gallman Ringing Shield then allegedly fled on foot, but was captured a short time later after he was found walking down a street in Coralville.

Gallman Ringing Shield is charged with Assault While Using or Displaying a Weapon, Interference With Official Acts and three no-contact order violations. If convicted on all charges, he faces a maximum of 25 months in prison.

Court records show Gallman Ringing Shield has a domestic abuse assault conviction from last year.