Iowa City Community Police Review Board announces changes that expand power


Iowa City’s Community Police Review Board met on Monday in an annual community forum, updating the public on several requests that were recommended to the City Council.

During the Zoom event, the board talked about their goals of increased transparency between the police department and its citizens. The board can only make recommendations for the department, not implement policy.

Among the board’s list of proposals are more city funding to promote the board among the public, and expanding the board from 5 to up to 9, which would involve more minorities and officers. They also want to be informed on disciplinary actions and be allowed to challenge those decisions within 30 days.

Some of the changes have been approved already. They include monthly disclosure of internal and external police complaints, quarterly reports provided from the PD regarding to demographics of police encounters, and doubling the deadline of filing a complaint from 90 days to 180 days.