Deadline to submit questions or comments for IC Police review board is Monday


Time is running out to submit questions for the Iowa City Community Police Review Board.

The board, made up of five local residents, reviews police policies, makes recommendations, and conducts independent reviews of police misconduct complaints. They meet monthly, but the board also holds an annual forum as a way to more fully engage with the community about its work. That annual meeting is set for May 17th.

This year’s forum will focus on the city’s proposals to restructure the police department, and increase the review board’s ability to hold the department accountable for its actions.

Residents who want to send questions or comments have until Monday to do so. They can be e-mailed to Those that participate are requested to provide their full names and addresses, as all submissions are public.

This year’s annual forum will take place on Zoom. A registration link is available here:

Meeting ID: 958 2886 0275