Opposition groups plan “goodbye” party today for outgoing UI president Bruce Harreld


Several community groups are planning a farewell party for outgoing University of Iowa President Bruce Harreld…although he’s not invited.

Iowa Student Action, The Iowa Freedom Riders, the Sunrise Iowa City Hub and the Campaign to Organize Graduate Students invite the public to what they’re calling “Bruce Harreld’s Goodbye Party” on the Pentacrest this afternoon. A post about today’s event on the Iowa Freedom Riders’ Instagram page says, “bruce harrelds (sic) conservative ass is on the way out so let’s party!”

Today is officially Harreld’s last day in office after he announced his retirement last October. The groups hosting today’s event say they want the incoming UI president to freeze tuition, defund the UI Police Department, and pledge to create a carbon-neutral campus by 2030.

Today’s event starts at 4:30pm on The Pentacrest.  It’s scheduled to coincide with the announcement of a new school president, which is expected to be announced later today.