City of IC reminds residents of yard sign regulations


With the arrival of warm weather, the city of Iowa City is reminding residents about regulations regarding yard signs.

In a news release, city officials remind residents that signs must be on the resident’s property – not within the right of way. And signs on a corner lot cannot block the vision triangle of the street.

The strip of land between the street and sidewalk is called the public right of way and is technically city property. Property owners are still required to maintain that land, and city officials say it is important to keep it free of signs and other encumbrances.

As time allows, city staff will be removing signs from the public right of way if observed or if they are reported. Signs are removed without regard to content. City staff will not remove signs from private property. When a sign is placed in the vision triangle, staff will contact the resident and grant a reasonable amount of time to move the sign to an appropriate location. For questions about sign location, call 319-356-5123.

Metal sign holders from confiscated signs may be reused by staff for other city purposes before ultimately being recycled. Signs are typically kept for a week before being recycled or landfilled. If a sign was mistakenly placed in the wrong location, there is a chance the city may still have it. To inquire, call 319-356-5123.