IC school board approves sale of former Roosevelt Elementary property


The Iowa City Community School Board has approved the sale of the former Roosevelt Elementary property on Greenwood Drive.

The board voted 5-2 to sell the former school to TWG Development of Indianapolis, which plans to turn the site into affordable or senior housing units.

27 people who addressed the board during Tuesday night’s virtual meeting asked that the property be sold to the Al-Iman mosque, which wanted to turn the site into a community center. But TWG’s $1.25 million offer was far above the money offered by Al-Iman and three other bidders. The second-highest bid came from a development group out of Platteville, Wisconsin at $525,000

TWG specializes in historic rehabilitations, and developed the Commonwealth Senior Apartments, Blairs Ferry Senior Apartments, Ashton Flats and the Avenue Apartments in Cedar Rapids. They have developments in 11 states.

Money from the sale will go into a fund that can be used for infrastructure, buses, musical instruments, and updated technology.