Area man arrested after alleged damage to service station


An Amana man has been arrested after causing over $700 in damage to a Tiffin service station.

Police say the incident occurred March 11th, when the owner of Morgan’s Service on Marengo Road reported a broken window. An officer noted a car radiator, two chunks of wood and a blue barrel that had been thrown against the window, and the owner said none of those items had been there when he left the day before. Under the radiator, police found a phone that allegedly belonged to 47-year-old Cainnon Fox of 7th Avenue in Amana.

Fox was known to police, as they had contact with him the previous night across the street at The Depot. He allegedly told police that he was sleeping in a car after getting kicked out of a vehicle by his wife.

Fox also reportedly kicked a door, damaging it, and went into a shed to sleep in a Geo Tracker that belonged to Morgan’s Service.

Total damage allegedly caused by Fox was over $750. He was eventually taken to the UIHC for treatment.

A warrant was issued for his arrest, and Fox was booked on Tuesday. He was charged with 3rd degree Criminal Mischief, an Aggravated Misdemeanor punishable by a jail sentence of up to two years if convicted.