UI fraternities still being investigated after incidents come to light, including incident involving llamas


Two University of Iowa fraternities have faced recent investigations after a reported hazing incident came to light at one chapter house that came under scrutiny for an incident involving llamas while under temporary suspension.

According to the Cedar Rapids Gazette, the Sigma Pi chapter was notified February 1st that the Office of Student Accountability began investigating allegations of a new member being hazed.

The Gazette obtained the letter from the UI to Sigma Pi, but said it was heavily redacted. The few unredacted pages indicate the hazing involved a new member assignment and that member’s related dangerous behavior, which was recorded on video and posted online.

A chapter member strongly told investigators that the fraternity does not assign roles like that to new members, and the student they’re accused of hazing is a beloved member of the fraternity.  Nevertheless, the chapter was placed on immediate interim suspension.

The suspension was reportedly violated the following week, when Sigma Pi posted social media photos of two llamas in the chapter house. Students explained to UI officials that a member’s mom had ordered the llamas as a surprise for Valentines Day.

Videos shared on social media showed another violation…a construction road sign in the background. UI officials were told that the sign had been there for a couple of years and the issue would be resolved.

After the investigation, the University of Iowa found that Sigma Pi didn’t violate any policies, but rebuked the fraternity for its culture.

The Gazette adds that Pi Kappa Alpha is also being investigated for violating hazing and alcohol policies. As the investigation is ongoing, few details are being made available. The fraternity is on interim suspension until the investigation is resolved.