Iowa City Community School District announces permanent online option


The Iowa City Community School District on Monday announced a permanent PK-12 online school, ICCSD Online. The school, which is free to any school-aged student in the state of Iowa, is now accepting students for the 2021-22 school year.

In a release from the district, it explains that the slogan for ICCSD Online is Real Teachers. Real Classmates. Virtual Learning. The program hopes to distinguish itself from other virtual schools with its emphasis on the student/teacher relationship and the classroom experience. Students in the program will have live classes with teacher and student interactions. Classes will take place using Zoom and all students in the program will be provided a Chromebook laptop free of charge.

High-schoolers in the program will have both a full time and part time option. Those who enroll from outside the district will automatically be enrolled in the full time program, while those in the district will be able to enroll in morning or afternoon classes, and allow students to maintain a relationship with their home school while enjoying a flexible schedule.

The program also boasts 18 different Advanced Placement Courses, making it the only online school in the state of Iowa with more than 15 AP offerings online.

Gregg Shoultz is Director of Online Programs for the ICCSD. He says the class structures are similar to those that are currently enrolled in the online program that serves over 5500 students. They have gathered feedback and data from parents, students and teachers to set up the program.

Shoultz says ICCSD Online is all-inclusive, providing equitable access for all students. It will offer learning support for IEP students, those who are English Language Learners, in extended learning programs, and those who require special accomodations.

The open enrollment period ends March 1st for those outside the district; families in the district will make their decision at a later date. Iowa parents and students who are interested in enrolling in the program should visit the ICCSD Online website,, or contact the school at